God the Father has destined that each one of us be holy and blameless in his sight. This call to holiness has been well listened to and responded to by our saintly mothers in heaven. St. Magdalene of Canossa, our Foundress and St. Josephine Bakhita, our Universal Sister are our intercessors in heaven. Venerable Mother Fernanda Riva is our Missionary of Joy on the path to be declared a Saint.
Our Mother Foundress St. Magdalene of Canossa, lived her goal of ‘GOD ALONE’ and exhorted her daughters to attain holiness through the imitation of the virtues of Jesus Crucified.
St. Josephine Bakhita was born in Sudan she was abducted and sold to slavery, this saint showed exemplary love and sincerity in her life in spite of the hardships that life had to offer her.
The Canossian Sisters all over the world , rejoice and are grateful to God, who through the instrumentality of His Vicar on Earth, Pope Benedict XVI, has declared the ‘Servant of God’ Sr. Fernanda Riva, “Venerable” on 28th June, 2012.