House: Kerala
St. Joseph’s Canossian Convent, Vettuthura
In the records kept in the archives of the convent appear an Italian gentleman and his friend who wished to that perpetual thanksgiving be offered to God who had blessed him in so many ways. A ‘House of Prayer’ was his suggestion. They were prepared to meet all the expenses only if their desire for a House of Prayer would be fulfilled. Thus, the authorities grabbed both the offers from the Bishop as well as the Italian gentlemen. The result was today’s Canossian Convent at Vettuthura whose name was entered into the register of the Diocese as well as that of the Canossian Province of South India on 30th May 1895.
The house is a ‘Power House because it is a Prayer House’. Throughout the year, retreats are being conducted for various groups: religious sisters and priests, lay people, including the youth and the school children. The premises are made available to conduct seminars: regional, national and international with themes varying from Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation to Catechism of the Catholic Church. On all Fridays approximately 50-60 people come to the house to spend the day in fasting and prayer.
Apart from organizing retreats and seminars the sisters are fully involved in all the parish activities like Sunday School, BCC, preparing the children and adults for the sacraments and so on.